Thursday 24 September 2009

On first glance

After being set the task of writing a blog on dracula i wasn't best pleased to say the least. But after reading the first chapter it actually wasnt that bad. Chapter One is an extract from Jonathan Harker's Journal and his journey to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula. On his journey he is both apprehensive yet excited about what lies ahead for him despite the words on warning from the people he interacts with implying that some some danger is around the corner for Harker. Yet despite the obvious signs Harker pursues in his trip in order to satisfy his curiosity from background knowledge of dracula i was aware a dominant theme is vampires which is what the characters maybe be warning Harker of.

The book so far is written in an unusual style in one of a diary extract from the main character there is also a little paragraph before the book starts implying that the diary enteries were found and were put together in the best order. The reason why Stoker did this was so in that the reader has a believe of realism in the words making it more eerie and easier to relate to. The Diary entry itself also reetirates this theme by using cities such as Budapest and times to make it extremely lifelike and interesting to read.

So far in my attempt at dracula hasn't not been as bad as i first thought and i have a feeling that harker is soon about to encounter some danger and discover the true identity of Count Dracula.

Luke :) x

1 comment:

  1. Great Luke! I'm glad that it's better than you thought so far! Good predictions too - keep it up!
