Monday 2 November 2009

The end

Dracula i can truly say a mind blowing read. Twists and turns all the way through throwing the reader in numerous directions and a typical stylish gothic climax with the beheading and the stake through the heart rounded off the book in the most delightful manner. I thoroughly recommend Dracula despite my first impressions and as i have read on the book has grown on me more and more to truly be a compelling read. The gothic style creates a dark and sinister edge to the book leading you down a trail of suspense and despair. Bram Stoker good effort my friend :)

Luke x

Thursday 22 October 2009

Heating up

Oh, arn't things heating up nicely in dracula now with lucy battling for her life after suffering from the wrath of Dracula himself. Old Jonathan still hanging in there at a mental asylum in Budapest with the newly arrived Mina thanks again to the man Dracula. You have to hand it to him he certainly knows how to make life interesting especially after taking out a shipload of people but o no he won't stop there. Which brings me to the question can Dracula ever be overcome or is this not the happy ending I am expecting? We shall wait and see. All hope lies with Van Helsing a doctor aware of the vampires assistance there is something about his character which inspires hope for the characters. Besides there can only be so many characters Dracula can bump off. I shall read on in anticipation :)
Luke x

Sunday 4 October 2009

Where has jonathan gone?

I never thought id say it but yes i am frustrated by a book. The annoying element about it though is I still want to read more. I was really getting into Jonathan Harker's story of how he was about to die at any minute edge of your seat stuff then he suddenyl is just pulled out of the frame turning instead the intention towards Mina and Lucy and their love lives. As fun as it is learning about the numourous proposals that Lucy has been offered there are still so many questions unanswered is Jonathan still alive? Is dracula going to be found? Will we ever find out?

Luke x

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Number three

Stoker is beginning to set a tense undertone to the book as Harker discovers more and more about Dracula the diary written style almost makes it annoying that Harker has not quite discovered Dracula's identity this is a portrayal of the realism used when expressing Harker's situation making it a gripping read.
Gothic influences are extremely apparent aswell when reading the book due to the setting and the general dark feeling to the book which makes the reader anticipant for the horror to unfold infront of our very eyes. It doesn't look too far away either with the last line of chapter two expessing how he is locked inside the castle merely a prisoner to Dracula which doesn't appear to be the most comforting of situations with the warning beforehand and eerie signals he is giving off.
As i read more into the book i begin to realise its when is Mr Harker going to confront some trouble rather than if. Rather you than me stuck in a castle with a creepy old man with a unsettling reputation in a remote area good luck Jonathan Harker! :) x

Number two

Its Wednesday night just got in from work and had another bash at dracula.
So far we have seen Jonathan Harker introduced into dracula's big eerie house in which Dracula lives by himself despite the old woman's warnings he still persists on staying with a strange creepy bloke in a castle probably not the wisest decision he has ever made.
During his stay so far he has remained indoors dining on his own under some suspicious circumstances in how dracula has always eaten elsewhere and has never been seen eating by Harker :S. In order to surpass his boredom whilst staying with Dracula he spends most of his time scouring through the library and looking through dracula's books on British lifestyle. He is still very unaware of Dracula's true identity and seems oblivious that he is a complete weirdo it doesn't look pretty for Harker. :)

Thursday 24 September 2009

On first glance

After being set the task of writing a blog on dracula i wasn't best pleased to say the least. But after reading the first chapter it actually wasnt that bad. Chapter One is an extract from Jonathan Harker's Journal and his journey to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula. On his journey he is both apprehensive yet excited about what lies ahead for him despite the words on warning from the people he interacts with implying that some some danger is around the corner for Harker. Yet despite the obvious signs Harker pursues in his trip in order to satisfy his curiosity from background knowledge of dracula i was aware a dominant theme is vampires which is what the characters maybe be warning Harker of.

The book so far is written in an unusual style in one of a diary extract from the main character there is also a little paragraph before the book starts implying that the diary enteries were found and were put together in the best order. The reason why Stoker did this was so in that the reader has a believe of realism in the words making it more eerie and easier to relate to. The Diary entry itself also reetirates this theme by using cities such as Budapest and times to make it extremely lifelike and interesting to read.

So far in my attempt at dracula hasn't not been as bad as i first thought and i have a feeling that harker is soon about to encounter some danger and discover the true identity of Count Dracula.

Luke :) x